Be Your Client’s Go-To Source for Home Equity Info
It has been said that the greatest way to build wealth is through home ownership. However, most property owners do not understand the true value of their homes & how to best leverage it.
In this session, Brandon will be joined by Chris Prescott of MyHomeIQ, a solution that provides homeowners with incredible tools and data, to get the most out of their most valuable asset by providing them with the information they need on a regular basis to help them decide if they should stay, sell, refinance, or set up a HELOC.
By providing your customers with this valuable & desired information, real estate professionals stay connected with their past clients & SOI and engage with prospective sellers & leads! Register now to learn about how to become Your Client’s Go-To Source for Home Equity Information
Instructor: Brandon Doyle
Special Guest: Chris Prescott of MyHomeIQ
Instructor: Brandon Doyle
Special Guest: Chris Prescott of MyHomeIQ
Video & Bonus Content is for RETI Members Only
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